



Welcome down the rabbit hole that is digital fashion, the enticing and immersive industry that plays on fantasy, technology and identity. The final form of fashion? Or the final form of expression on the internet? Web3 is the future of connection, lifestyle and digital personalities. The power of vectors, may never fully replace the use of threads. However, it is a very natural development for our existing expression online to evolve and develop. Blogs changed into profiles, pictures into avatars/bitmojis and now digital garments.

The future! A world where the virtual isn’t locked behind a screen. Identity and livelihoods now transcend past materiality. Digital fashion brings the hope of an industry that causes less social and environmental damage. Digital media also offers more opportunity and possibility for expression. The digital object has become its own entity, functioning with creation, sales, ownership, use and disposal. All of which without ever being touched. I think about the future of digital fashion because, in my mind, it is inevitable. Through experimentation, I hope we can all benefit from this exciting new industry.

I have always been interested in fashion futures, speculating the tomorrow through the most human of objects - clothes. Ever since the pandemic, many parts of our lives have moved online. Hence, naturally so has expression and fashion.

My greatest strength does not lie with an individual program, but my adaptability to quickly learn and evolve my practice as needed.  I am fascinated by the act of wearing digital clothing, experiencing virtual fashion and owning these non-fungible assets. Material clothing holds memories, personality, and identity. These characteristics must also transcend into the virtual realm for a solid future of digital fashion. I can produce digital garments, collections, NFT’s, filters and wearables, but I can also speculate and develop past the boundaries of a Metaverse just paved. This virtual transition is fast approaching and hence we must explore its realities for the industry, individual, and environment.

I have been working with digital fashion since 2020 through my university degree, freelance jobs and collaborating with Unincorporated Associates. I received first class honours in my BA design degree and I am fluent in adobe suit, clo3D/marvelous designer, spark AR and blender.